Tuesday, June 3, 2014



I chose this image because i think the contrast of colors is very nice and the back ground isnt washedout. i also like how its crisped and focused on the main subject. I had to get down low for this shot because she was on a hill and the sky was very bright that day so the clouds mad the picture very washed out. i also had to set my camara on av mode. Some challenges i faced was dealing with the sky and the wind. Some succes was having my model to smile and laugh and pose withought feeling uncomftrable. I maybe would have tooken the camera of her neck and made the picture rule of thirds.

 I chose this image because i think the contrast of colors was good also and the back ground isnt washedout and only parts of the sky is showing. i also like how its crisped and focused on the main subject. I had to get down low for this shot so the sky wouldnt come out washedout and the tree would cover most of the sky. Some challenges i faced was dealing with the sky and the wind and not having my model not smile with his teeth. Some succes was having my model standing straight and tall. I maybe would have tooken the picture rule of thirds.

i choose this one because the main subject is very crisp and i like the way he is posing. i had to stand on a cement block and take the picture from up top to eliminate some washed out areas. Some challenges i had was finding a good place to shoot for him to sit and take the picture. I also had some problems with the lighting that reflected from the ground. some sucesses was having the main subject and everything in the picture in focus. something i would change is the area where i was shooting that day.

i choose this one because the main subject is very crisp and i like the way she is posing. she looks very confident and the contrast between colors looks nice. I set my camara on tv because it was avery windy day and i was sitting down using a try pod. Some challenges i had was finding a good place to shoot for her sit in the picture.some problems i had was lighting and background. Some succuess was having crisp focus and color cotrast. the only thing i would change is the location where i took the picture.

i choose this one because the main subject is very crisp and i like the way she is posing i like how the ball and the girl is very bright and the color colorcontrast. she looks very confident with her sport. I set my camara on av because i was using the try pod and i wanted a blury background. i also zoomed in very tight on her face also. Some challenges i had was finding a good place to shoot because of lighting problems.  Some succuess was having crisp focus and color cotrast. the only thing i would change is the location where i took the picture.
i choose this one because the main subject is very crisp and he is posing i like how the balls color is very vibraint. I set my camara on av and i took the picture from above. i also zoomed in very tight on his face . Some challenges i had was finding a good place to shoot because of lighting . Some succuess was having crisp focus no distraction in background and vibraint colors. the only thing i would change is the location where i took the picture.