Thursday, June 5, 2014
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
I chose this image because i think the contrast of colors was good also and the back ground isnt washedout and only parts of the sky is showing. i also like how its crisped and focused on the main subject. I had to get down low for this shot so the sky wouldnt come out washedout and the tree would cover most of the sky. Some challenges i faced was dealing with the sky and the wind and not having my model not smile with his teeth. Some succes was having my model standing straight and tall. I maybe would have tooken the picture rule of thirds.
I chose this image because i think the contrast of colors is very nice and the back ground isnt washedout. i also like how its crisped and focused on the main subject. I had to get down low for this shot because she was on a hill and the sky was very bright that day so the clouds mad the picture very washed out. i also had to set my camara on av mode. Some challenges i faced was dealing with the sky and the wind. Some succes was having my model to smile and laugh and pose withought feeling uncomftrable. I maybe would have tooken the camera of her neck and made the picture rule of thirds.
i choose this one because the main subject is very crisp and i like the way he is posing. i had to stand on a cement block and take the picture from up top to eliminate some washed out areas. Some challenges i had was finding a good place to shoot for him to sit and take the picture. I also had some problems with the lighting that reflected from the ground. some sucesses was having the main subject and everything in the picture in focus. something i would change is the area where i was shooting that day.
i choose this one because the main subject is very crisp and i like the way she is posing. she looks very confident and the contrast between colors looks nice. I set my camara on tv because it was avery windy day and i was sitting down using a try pod. Some challenges i had was finding a good place to shoot for her sit in the picture.some problems i had was lighting and background. Some succuess was having crisp focus and color cotrast. the only thing i would change is the location where i took the picture.
i choose this one because the main subject is very crisp and i like the way she is posing i like how the ball and the girl is very bright and the color colorcontrast. she looks very confident with her sport. I set my camara on av because i was using the try pod and i wanted a blury background. i also zoomed in very tight on her face also. Some challenges i had was finding a good place to shoot because of lighting problems. Some succuess was having crisp focus and color cotrast. the only thing i would change is the location where i took the picture.
i choose this one because the main subject is very crisp and he is posing i like how the balls color is very vibraint. I set my camara on av and i took the picture from above. i also zoomed in very tight on his face . Some challenges i had was finding a good place to shoot because of lighting . Some succuess was having crisp focus no distraction in background and vibraint colors. the only thing i would change is the location where i took the picture.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
I chose this item because if the world is ending you need something to drink and gatorade keeps you energized and healthy.
I chose this building because i love mcdonalds and i think keeping mcdonalds would help me survive because i wouldnt starve and i wouldnt go skiny.
I chose this golf cart because i need a ride to get me places quickly and i think a golf cart can go faster than zombies.
I saved the food in the vending machine because that food is fatning and it can help me stay fat/healthy cause there are healthy foods in there.
Some challenges i had while making this zombie photoshop face of me was trying to make it look real and not fake looking. A way i made it better was by using the burn tool to make the areas where the wounds were darker.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Inner Child
I think these two pictures of my first model was the best because her expressions look really cool and you can plainly tell what expression she was trying to do. I really liked the faces she did because she didnt keep doing the same faces and she always made faces that you could plainly see.
I think these two pictures of my second model was the best because her expressions look funny and you can tell what exprssions she was trying to do. I think these two were her best because they looked really funny and i like how crisp it looks.
Having mackenzie and marissa as modles was very fun. i liked having them as modles because they were funny and they always knew what expression to do when i asked them to do an expression. They also weren't shy so they were just making the funniest faces. Some challenges i faced was having to do some of the tougher facial expressions such as love struct and bored. I also had a problem with the background it kept looking washed out. A way i over came the love struct and bored faces was having my modles felling this way in the inside and then i would take a picture of their facial expressions. A way i over came having a washed out back ground was by having a plain background. Some succces i had was having my modles do easy facial expressions. I didnt like being a model i dont think i have a career in modeling. The reason why i say this because i find it boring just to take many pictures over and over again. Being a model helped me help my models by giving them advices on what and how to do some facial expressions. I am excited on how to take a good and crisp picture and making it pretty in order to frame it. I am concerened i am going to look ugly in my portrait.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
- Which shot is your strongest?
- What about this photo is strong?
- What was the most challenging element of this assignment?
- How did you overcome this challenge?
Friday, January 17, 2014
My inspiratiopn was Gabby Barnet. I was trying to make her seem like if she were flying. Some tecnicles was having the person in focus, But if i put the shutter speed up the brightness went higher. I resolved it by taking the picture with the sun behind me. Thinking what background to use. By finding a bright yet plain spot to take it.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
So in this picture in order to make the back ground paned and the people crisp is by following them while they are running while pressing the shuter speed button half way. Then i pressed it all the way wonce they were infront of me. But i still followed through after wards. The settings in my camera was TV (Shutter Speed Priority). Some challenges i had was beiong able to make the background panned and the person chrisp. Yes i did overcame them by asking the people around me how to do it.
So in this picture in order to make the back ground paned and the people crisp is by following them while they are running while pressing the shuter speed button half way. Then i pressed it all the way wonce they were infront of me. But i still followed through after wards. The settings in my camera was TV (Shutter Speed Priority). Some challenges i had was beiong able to make the background panned and the person chrisp. Yes i did overcame them by asking the people around me how to do it.
So in this picture in order to make the back ground paned and the people crisp is by following them while they are running while pressing the shuter speed button half way. Then i pressed it all the way wonce they were infront of me. But i still followed through after wards. The settings in my camera was TV (Shutter Speed Priority). Some challenges i had was beiong able to make the background panned and the person chrisp. Yes i did overcame them by asking the people around me how to do it.
So in this picture in order to make the back ground paned and the people crisp is by following them while they are running while pressing the shuter speed button half way. Then i pressed it all the way wonce they were infront of me. But i still followed through after wards. The settings in my camera was TV (Shutter Speed Priority). Some challenges i had was beiong able to make the background panned and the person chrisp. Yes i did overcame them by asking the people around me how to do it.
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